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What Are The Benefits of Dental Implants For Seniors?

What Are The Benefits of Dental Implants For Seniors?

Dental implants are one of the most important procedures for seniors. They’re a cost-effective solution to tooth loss and replacement that allows you to enjoy your life without worrying about chewing, talking, or even smiling. If you’re interested in finding out more about the benefits of dental implants, check out this blog article.

What Are The Benefits Of Dental Implants For Seniors?

There are many benefits of dental implants for seniors, including better oral health, decreased tooth loss, and a reduction in the need for other dental procedures. Here are four ways dental implants can benefit seniors:

  1. Improved Oral Health: Dental implants offer a more stable foundation for teeth and chewing muscles, which can improve oral health by preventing tooth decay and providing support during speech and eating activities.
  2. Decreased Tooth Loss: Dental implants help prevent tooth loss by providing a more stable foundation for teeth and reducing the likelihood of them shifting or breaking. In addition, they may also provide increased jawbone strength, which can reduce the need for other dental procedures such as extractions or rebuilding teeth.
  3. Reduced Need For Other Dental Procedures: By providing a more stable foundation for teeth, dental implants may also reduce the need for other dental procedures such as fillings or root canals. This can save both time and money on care overall.
  4. Increased Jawbone Strength: Dental implants may also increase jawbone strength, which can help prevent bone loss in the mouth and lead to less dependence on dentures or other types of prosthetics.

What Are The Risks And Effects Of Tooth Loss?

Tooth loss is a common problem that can have serious consequences. The risks and effects of tooth loss depend on the type of tooth loss and the individual’s health history.

There are three main types of tooth loss: natural, caused by age; dental, caused by accidents or diseases; and developmental, due to premature birth or low birth weight. Tooth decay and gum disease are the most common causes of dental loss.

Natural tooth loss usually affects the front teeth, especially the top and bottom teeth. As these teeth fall out, drool and food can accumulate in the mouth, which can lead to bad breath, plaque buildup and bad oral hygiene habits. Dental implants are a good option for people who have lost their front teeth. They provide a stable foundation for new teeth that can be inserted into place through surgery. Implants also resist decay and gum disease and look more natural than traditional dentures.

Dental implant failure is rare, but can occur if the implant becomes loose or if it is not secured properly in the jawbone. If implant failure occurs, it may require replacement surgery or another form of support, such as a bridge or denture.

How Do Dental Implants Work?

Dental implants are titanium screws that are placed into the jawbone to replace lost teeth. They provide a stable foundation for natural tooth replacement and can last for up to 20 years. The benefits of dental implant therapy include:

* Replacement of missing teeth – Dental implants replace teeth that have been lost or damaged, providing a more stable foundation for natural tooth replacement.

* Reduced need for chewing – Because dental implants support natural teeth, patients no longer have to worry about losing their chewing ability.

* Increased confidence – Patients who have received dental implant treatment feel more confident in their smiles and may avoid facial surgery in the future.

Who Is A Good Candidate For Dental Implants?

Implants are a great option for seniors who are looking to improve their overall dental health. Dentists often recommend implants as a replacement for traditional dental bridges and dentures, because they offer many benefits that can make your life easier. Here are some of the most important:

1. Implants Last Longer Than Traditional Dentures or Bridges

One of the biggest benefits of dental implants is that they last longer than traditional dental appliances. A dental implant is a metal rod that is embedded into the jawbone and held in place with a crown or cap. This means that your implant will last much longer than a bridge or denture, which can eventually fail due to wear and tear. In fact, some patients who have had dental implants for over 10 years still report minimal wear and tear on the device.

2. Implants Are Quick and Easy To Replace If They Fail

If your implant does fail, it is quick and easy to replace it with a new one. Just ask your dentist to put in a new implant on an existing bridge or denture! There is no need to remove the old appliance and replace it with a new one-your dentist will do all the work required to replace the implant seamlessly. Plus, this ensures that you always have an adequate solution for supporting your teeth in case of future tooth problems.


Dentures can be a lifetime source of comfort and security, but they also come with a number of risks. One of the most important benefits of dental implants for seniors is that they are highly durable and will not require any maintenance other than occasional cleaning. In addition to being able to eat whatever you like without worrying about chewing marks or food getting stuck in your dentures, dental implants can help keep your teeth healthy by providing them with more stability. If you’re interested in learning more about the advantages of dental implants for seniors, be sure to speak with our team today!

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